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Posted March 31, 2020

Working From Home. Safely And Productively


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Working from Home. Safely and Productively

Working From Home. Safely And Productively

With the urgent need to work from home, most organisations are scrambling to provide the tools their staff need to work and collaborate effectively while working remotely.
With organisations and staff thrown into this situation suddently, getting quickly up and running is essential.

Safely Productive

Colloboration tools are essential, but so is the safety and security of employees. After all, staying at home to avoid corona virus, only to fall foul to a corona-related phishing attack would compromise the organisation’s security, as well as ironic!

Endpoint protection against phishing attacks, malware and other online threats is thus even more essential in a world where employees work remotely, connected to insecure home networks.

We have endpoint protection for Windows, Mac and Chrome and that is fast and simple to deploy remotely.

Secure Anywhere

Rawstream Web Filtering keeps safe employees wherever they are with industry leading content and security filtering against phishing and other online threats.

The Rawstream agent runs locally and all filtering takes place on the device itself, so there is not network latency added. Productivity is safeguarded: employees can use online applications without worrying about unresponsive applications.

Keeping Track

Working remote introduces new challenges for organisations, but Rawstream’s Web Filtering has reports to address these challenges.

Uniquely on the market, Rawstream Web Filtering collects the time spent in a browser tabs and desktop applications. Others just collect browser requests but this is a highly inaccurate, and very noisy, report due to network traffic from background tabs.

Rawstream’s unique and accurate reporting gives organisations the actionable data they need to manage teams better.

So, safeguard your employees’ physical and IT health with Rawstream!

About Author

By Rawpress


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